Week 6 is done! How quickly are these weeks going?!
This week we have been working on our new piece of writing- a narrative about the journey through the digestive system. We are basing our writing on the Magic Bus- 'for lunch' episode. This video sees a class of children on a school trip like no other, as they dive deep into one of their class mates digestive systems. The children have had some amazing ideas about the writing and their knowledge of the digestive system has really shone, which is great!
In Maths we have started our new unit addition and subtraction. We have worked particularly on column addition this week, so any extra practise that could be done at home would be greatly appreciated! In Year 4 our objective is to be able to add 4 digit and 4 digit numbers, including regrouping.
Our assembly focus this week was 'responsibility'. We talked about how we are all responsible for our own actions and behaviour and we worked through some scenarios as a class. Well done to our Mathemagician, star writer and star of the week this week!
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Benbow