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Week 7's activities

We have had a brilliant week in year 3, and the children have continued to amaze us! 


In our writing this week we have continued our work on instructions. We have picked out the features of what makes good instructions and were able to then have a go at writing our instructions from how we mummified our tomatoes last Thursday. The children have really taken to this topic and we have been so pleased with their attitude to learning. On Friday we are then going to publish these! 


In our maths we have continued our column addition work and have started to look at column subtraction work and exchanging. The children have visited this in previous years so we are continuing to build and develop our knowledge to do this. 


In our topic work we have been looking at writing in hieroglyphs - we even wrote our name in them! 


On Tuesday we celebrated Mrs McDonald's special birthday - thank you to all the children for keeping their cool and not giving the game away before Tuesday! 


Wednesday, the children had their school photos done and were sent home with a small card with their barcode on for you to be able to log into the website. 


As always, thank you for your continued support throughout. 

Have a lovely weekend 


Miss Leaver, Mrs McDonald and Miss Hunt 

On Friday we had a great day -  the Fire Service came in for our Emergency Services Day. 


Congratulations to Oliver W  - our star of the week. Oliver has shown great determination throughout the week and isn't afraid of asking for help when he needs it. Very proud! 


Another celebration we celebrated on Friday - Tom M received his pen license. Mrs McDonald was blow away by Tom's lovely handwriting. 

