This week year 5 started with there WOW starter by sketching half a wolves head - the results were fantastic. In the afternoon, we were challenged to do bush tucker trials (both eating and feeling things). We had to work in teams and win counters for each other.
In Science, we had to label the parts of a flower and we did this by dissecting daffodils and finding all the different parts. The children loved doing this and it really helped them to understand the male and female parts of the flower.
We have tackled relative clauses in English, identifying them and using them in their own sentences. They worked brilliantly and I can't wait to see them using them in their writing.
In Maths, we have finished our area and perimeter topic and will be moving onto multiplication and division next week - Bring on more challenges for the children to work through.
Homework and spellings have gone home and we have changed reading books of the children who have asked. If reading books haven't been changed please ask them to put their books in the box on Monday and we can get this done.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Walker and Mr Butterworth