This week we have asked all of the children to become ‘Toy Protectors’ they have taken their role very seriously and have been making sure that all of our toys and resources are being cared for. Their jobs included making sure toys were not being damaged, were in the correct place and were being used in the right way. We reminded all of our ‘Toy Protectors’ to make sure they were also caring for our toys like Andy (from Toy Story) and not Sid! They have done a wonderful job, thank you everyone!!
We reintroduced our Rainbow Challenges this week too – easing the children in with just 3 to complete. Keep up the hard work boys and girls to tackle 5 next week.
A big well done to this week's stars of the week:
Zachary (Rec) and Louie (Nurs)
And also to the children who received their Always badge this week, what an achievement!:
Becky, Micah, Noah, Millie.A (Rec)
Louie, Raine, Quinn (Nurs)
And finally, have a look at our Crazy Hair Day photos below, we had so much fun! Thank you for all of your effort :)