Wowzers, what a week!
This week, in our reading into writing, we have begun looking at expanding our sentences to expanded noun sentences using Where's Wally as a base. We then moved onto prepositions and how important these were when describing where something is. We also spoke about the word specific and how, when describing things, it is important to give as much information as possible.
In our maths we have been continuing our work on number and place value, especially comparing numbers. We have also been having a times tables test on our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Please, please, please can the children be practising these at home, they are so important to know.
We have also begun learning recorder in our music sessions … the children did really well for their first day using them!
New spellings have gone home this week, please can these be practised as much as possible!
Have a lovely week
Mrs Harris