WOW, WOW, WOW, only 1 more week left of the Autumn term, I just don't know where the time is going!
This week we have been getting ready for our big performance for you all next week - I'm sure you are as excited as we are to perform for you all.
The dress rehearsal is on Monday for grandparents, with the performances for parents on Tuesday and Wednesday. The show is coming on really well, and the children are working so hard to perfect it.
In our writing we have completed our first draft letters to Buckstones and are publishing them on Friday in readiness to send in the post along with our Christmas cards. The children are so excited to see their new friends again next half term (a letter and date will be confirmed next half term).
We have had a few informal assessments of things that we have covered this half term - all I can say is 'WOW' the children have performed brilliantly and I am really impressed with their attitude to learning.
in between all the madness the children have been brilliant and we have been so proud of them and their attitude!
Have a lovely weekend