What a busy week we have had in Year 5.
At the start of the week we released our class pets (the butterflies). The children had the opportunity to hold them and help them fly off outside. They really enjoyed this and it was fantastic to see them so close up.
In our writing, the children have written a scene from the story Narnia and have been focusing on fronted adverbials in their learning. They have really enjoyed comparing the book and clips from the film.
In Maths, their growth mindset has been brilliant, they have been working through their place value topic, looking at comparing and ordering numbers and negative number problems. The challenges they have completed shows their determination to stretch themselves.
We have moved from Science to Geography in our topic work and will be looking at deforestation in rainforests. We can't wait to use some of our topic work to help in our writing.
Spellings will be added to seesaw this evening and the test will be on Friday. Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.
Year 5 team