On this page you will find all of the important documents for the first Autumn term - AUTUMN 1. Important documents such as: letters, spellings and homework.
Our work this week - 11th September - 15th September:
In our work this week we have been enjoying working on our place value using our tens and ones. We have been drawing our tens and ones to help us solve place value problems. In our writing we have been focusing a little more on the story of Beegu and how we can use emotion in our writing. In our other learning we have been creating shape monsters using our existing knowledge of 3d shapes. In our forest school we have been designing our own alien that we will make using clay! Overall a very busy week year 2 well done!
Our work this week - 18th September - 22nd September:
In our work this week we have been enjoying rocking out with KIDS ROCK! We have been learning a variety of songs that all have IMPORTANT messages about anti-bullying, it's good to be you and how school is cool! We have also been publishing our Beegu stories and consolidating our knowledge of place value ready to complete our post-assessment on the unit! Another super week, well done year 2!
Our work this week - 25th September - 29th September:
In our work this week we have been enjoying working on our adding skills, we have been using Numicon to make different numbers and also using our tens and ones method to draw and then add the numbers. In our writing we have been preparing to write letters to pen pals in another school and we have been recognising the features of what makes a good letter. In our other learning we have been reading our class story "The Twits" by Roald Dahl and laughing along at the amazing language that Roald Dahl uses!
Our work this week - 2nd October - 6th October:
In our work this week we have been enjoying working on our adding skills, we have been using our place value skills to solve our Nandos maths challenges! We have also been writing letters to our pen pals in another school! We have produced some amazing writing this week and the children are really proud of their work! In our other learning we have been looking at animals and humans that are living and comparing them to playdough animals. We were thinking about what animals need to survive such as; food, water, oxygen etc. Another super week - well done year 2!
Our work this week - 9th October - 13th October:
In our work this week we have been enjoying working on our subtraction skills, to help us we have been learning how to be good R.U.C.S.A.C-ers! We know that this method helps us to solve different problems. In our writing we have been publishing our letters and working on our cursive handwriting. In other areas of learning we have been learning about food chains and how other animals need certain foods to stay alive! We have had fun creating our own food chains - now we realise that we are at the top of the food chain!
Our work this week - 16th October - 20th October:
In our work this week we have been looking at using our number lines to subtract and also solving our tricky Nandos maths challenges! In our writing we have been creating our own alien to describe using our "amazing adjectives!" Then we wrote our description of an alien as a whole class!
On Friday we had a fantastic day, we dressed up in our "uniforms" and became fire fighters, nurses, doctors, police officers, ambulance drivers and surgeons! We listened to the fire service team intently as they spoke to us about how to use DR ABC to save someone's life! On Friday afternoon we took it in turns to go in the party fire engine! We got to sit in the fire engine and also chance to stand on the roof and look down at our friends! Overall we had an amazing day!
Our work this week - 23rd October - 27th October:
In our work this week we have been publishing our amazing alien descriptions! We have also been consolidating our knowledge on subtraction by solving tricky word challenges! We have also been completing a range of Halloween activities ready for the disco on Thursday!
The homework that has been given in for the board game homework is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! Well done YEAR 2 and of course thank you so much to the parents/ guardians and helpers who always give so much support to the children! You are SUPERHEROES!!!