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Year 6 will be acquiring and developing their geography skills to take part in a 'Race Across the World. They will be building on their knowledge of Europe in Year 5 to look at the wider world, specifically South America. We will start by brushing up on our map skills and understanding lines of longitide and latitude before focusing on South America and the region of North Brazil. We will identify the human and physical characteristics of this region before comparing this to the North West of England. 


In our reading and writing we will focus on 'Holes' by Louis Sachar. This will involve writing a setting description, a non-chronological report on the dreaded yellow-spotted lizard and a letter from Stanley to his Mum. Alongside this, we will be reading the book in our whole class reading sessions to improve the fluency of our reading to answer a range of questions. 


In our maths work, we will start our brand new 'Power Maths' scheme. This will  begin with looking at place value and deepening the children's understanding of this. 


Our science work will focus on 'Living things and their habitats' and will build on our previous learning. 


We are asking for your support to talk to your child about their learning so please take the time to have a look at the documents below which give you an overview of our learning for the term.
