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Week 6 - Castleshaw

This week, Year 5 had a brilliant day out at Castleshaw consolidating their learning on rivers. We started off the day with a river walk (I think we all got very wet). They managed to find the source of the river and climbed up a little waterfall. Then after dinner they had the opportunity to do some pond dipping, finding different water creatures and identifying what they were.


We have been really impressed with their learning in maths, they have been working this week on multi-step and word problems and have now finished completed this topic after pushing themselves through different challenges.


In their English work, they have written a diary entry linked to their day out at Castleshaw and started to draft their newspaper report on the lighthouse film. They've done a fantastic job and we can't wait to see the published pieces of work. 


After our sticky learning challenge on Tuesday, they have built so much knowledge linked to their rivers topic. Test them on the features of the water cycle or some of the features of a river and I'm sure you'll be as impressed as we are! We also started to look at forces thsi week and will be continuing with this over the next couple of weeks. 


Next week, we are only in until Wednesday but remember it's school picture day on Monday.


Hope you all have a lovely weekend. I've attached some pictures from our trip to Castleshaw below smiley


Mrs Walker

