Well the week didn't stop there as we had World Book day on Thursday too!! Thank you so much to all parents and carers for helping support our 'Bedtime Stories' theme as the children all looked amazing in their PJ's. There was an invasion of unicorns in Year 3 and 4 as all the teachers were rockin' the unicorn onesie (Thanks Miss Leaver!!!).
Our focused text for Year 3 and 4 was ' The mole who knew it was none of his business' and the children had such a brilliant day. We split both classes into groups and completed a number of activities to help Mole. Ask your child to tell you the story!!!
Well we have to go on stealth missions around school as some animals had left 'presents' for us. Yep that's right there were piles of poo lying around school and the children had to guess which animal had done to poop. Why not ask your child to explain what they found out?
Now Mole needed our help again as he wanted his revenge on Basil the Butchers dog who had indeed pooped on his head so we had to work in our groups to make some animal poo. We had to decide which poo to make and what they animal may have eaten then the other groups had to guess our animal correctly. Our classroom smelt delightful!!!
So this week as been so busy but going to Castleshaw and having World Book Day didn't stop us getting on with our letters to SeaWorld and continuing with our fractions work. Wow we are exhausted just thinking about all the amazing things we did this week!!!
Things to look out for...
We sent out two letters on Friday. One for Bikeability and one for donations of material for our next topic. Please look on the main class page for a copy of each letter.