We have had a super week in year 3 this week.
To kick start the week on Monday, we had our My Happy Mind session where looked at our character strengths. We looked at one as a group and then had a go at drawing circumstances where that character strength may appear. The character strengths are; bravery and honesty; love and kindness; exploring and learning new things; teamwork and friendship; and finally, love of life and our world.
In our guided reading, we have been reading The Boy in the Back of the Class. This is an absolute brilliant book, and is one of my absolute favourites. In it, the narrator goes looking for a pomegranate. On Tuesday, we had a look at a pomegranate and had a go at tasting one. We had very mixed feedback on this!
We have been practising SO hard for our performance next week and we are really excited to share it with you next week!
We also had our very first secret reader on Monday afternoon. The children absolutely love this and they were so excited. I have sent a message over seesaw for parents that are willing to take part in this too. If you haven't seen it and you would like to do this, please can you either let me know or send an email to the office.
In our maths learning, we have continued our column subtraction work. We are almost at the end of this unit and the children have worked really, really hard on this. We have still been doing our times table test on a Thursday morning and have been listening to the 4 times table song in readiness to be introduced to these after Christmas.
In our writing, we managed to do our final draft and publish our setting description.
Have a great week,
Mrs Harris