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Week 2

Wow! What another great week!

This week we have introduced Rainbow Challenges in year 1. The children were given the opportunity to order numbers, complete problem solving activities and create their own monsters. I have been blown away with the children's motivation and enthusiasm in completing  their six challenges. Everybody should be very pleased with themselves. 


Year 1 have started their P.E. lessons this week with Mr Musgrove and have really enjoyed taking part.  P.E. will take place on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Please ensure your child has their P.E. kit in school on both of these days. 


Individual reading books have been sent home with the children today. Please could you return your child's reading book every Wednesday, so we can change the books ready to go back out on the Friday. 


Here are a couple of photographs of what  year 1 have been up to this week. 


Here is our Star of the Week winner! Well done!



Rainbow Challenges

Here is a copy of the Rainbow Challenges your child will be asked to complete next week. 


Thank you for your continuing support. Hope you all have a lovely weekend.


