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Week 3 W/C 16.9.19

Wow what another hardworking week we have had in year 2! 


The children have really impressed us with their attitudes to their learning, Mr Scott popped into year 2 briefly this week and couldn't believe the work they were producing so early into the year! 


We have been coming up with our own inventions for our story, based on Izzy Gizmo. We have also created our own inventor character and described them using lots of fantastic vocabulary. Miss Hunt and I could not believe the work the children produced! 


In our maths, we have secured our learning on place value and moved on to comparing numbers when they are presented in different ways. 


A letter has been sent out on Friday regarding our trip to Castleshaw, in Delph, as part of the linking project with Coppice Primary School. The linking project will see us meet a fellow year 2 class from Coppice and we will be able to interact with them and learn about our similarities and differences. We will be meeting with out school a few times throughout the year. The dates will be shared with you in due course. Please can the slip and form be sent back no later than Friday 27th September. 


Have a lovely weekend 

Mrs Harris 


