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Wow! We cant believe its half term already.


What a busy final week of half term, we have worked really hard to complete our assessments this week and the attitude, resilience and determination shown by the pupils has been fantastic. What a great bunch year 6 are!


As this week has been child mental health awareness week we have been taking part in lots of 'Relax Kids' activities which have helped prepare us for our learning. We have also discussed the importance of looking  after our minds and how this is just as important as the health of our bodies. 

We will continue to use the 'Relax kids' strategies and activities to help us as the year progresses. As well as this our classroom is now equiped with a 'Peaceful Pod' - A quiet area for children to go to in the classroom , a 'proud cloud' and a 'worry box'.


Tuesday also saw us celebrating 'Safer internet Day' we watched  a video about keeping safe and also wrote a response in the role of an agony aunt to advise on an E Safety dilemma. 


As well as all this we had great fun training for spy school in Forest School and have been using our drama skills to help act out the story of Wonder!


It's no wonder we need a break for half term :)

