We want to start by saying a big thank you to all the Year 4 children as they battled through the extremely warm weather to stick with their learning and we had another great week!!
We finished our drafts based on 'Until I met Dudley' and began to edit and publish our very own books. The children are really putting into practise everything they have been learning and we can't wait to see the final books we produce.
In maths we finished out work on time before moving to statistics. We still need to keep practising telling the time so please use any opportunity at home to tell the time in analogue and digital times. We have been practising looking at pictograms, tally charts, tables and bar charts and annotating them with all the information we have been given. Our next step is to move on to answering lots of questions based on the information we have been given. Everyone is taking on board the top tips to help make our learning a lot easier...there is even a crazy Year 4 dance move or two!!!
Our topic work has continued and we have concentrated on mind maps this week. We have followed the rules for making a mind map and applied our knowledge of inventions to create these for Ipads. The children's work was brilliant and they have really enjoyed presenting their work in a different way.
Another big thank you needs to be said as the standard of our Nandos homework continues to be really high. The children have been creating some amazing pieces of work....we have been showing these off each morning and the children should be super proud of all their hard work!!
A big well done to Fynn who was our Star of the Week this week..what a great achievement!!
The week didn't end there as we had such a great time at the PTFA Family Day. A huge thank you to the PTFA who organised the event which was such a great success. It was so lovely to see lots of the Year 4 children and their parents/carers having fun in the glorious sunshine!
Next week we are off to the MOSI on Tuesday and please remember that we will not be back at school until 3.30-3.45 depending on traffic leaving Manchester City Centre. We will send a text as a reminder to all Year 4 parents.