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Week 6

Well there we go, another half term gone by so quickly! I am so proud of how resilient each and every child has been this half term. It is an joy to see how enthusiastic everyone is to learn and we have had so much fun. We brought our topic to an end by learning about different animal groups and their diets. We've extended the breadth of our vocab and learnt new words such as carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, mammal, reptile etc etc. The children were so excited to learn that we are in fact mammals and we are omnivores. Here a couple of pictures from a sorting activity that we did. 



In literacy we have been writing all about the island that we created. We have been highlighting different parts of our sentences such as capital letters, full stops, adjectives and nouns. This was a bit tricky at first but we are so good at it now. We have been working hard on our reading as always and we have sent home a couple of books this week to see you through the holidays. 


In Maths we are found subtracting (counting back) really tricky so we have worked really hard on that. We have also been finding the tens and ones of two digit numbers. 


Finally, look what happened... We are so excited to say that we have FOUR butterflies. We were lucky enough to watch one burst out of it's cocoon. Mr Smith is going to take good care of the butterflies during the holidays and release them, as we still have six that are too comfy to come out and say hello. 



Myself and the Year 1 team hope that you have a wonderful holidays, stay safe and we can't wait to welcome you back in a few weeks time. 


Miss Smith smiley
