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Week 4

Independent Learning Challenges

Games Afternoon Letter

Nostalgic Week 4

Another busy week in Year 1 has flown by!  This week we have been thinking about special toys.  It started with watching the point in Toy Story where those two very special toys, Woody and Buzz met.  What lovely descriptive writing the children produced after watching the clip. 

The highlight, however must be our very special toy day.  The children were bursting to tell the special stories about their toys, and so many of them brought tears to the Year 1 Team’s eyes!  We have written about, drawn sketches of, and photographed our toys.  All our hard work is now being collated in our book “Much Loved”. 

Our lovely week finished off with our School Council announcement, cake decorating to support Macmillan Cancer Care, and welcoming a secret reader to tell us a wonderful story.

Finally, we have been learning all about families and what it means to be part of a family in RE. It would be lovely if the children brought in a family photo to share with the rest of the class next Friday.

Have a lovely weekend, and we will see everyone on Monday ready to learn about the history of teddy bears!


The Year 1 Team
