This week has been less eventful than last weekend at least!
In our writing this week, we have been continuing our work on our own newspapers. We have created a comic book style text map and started writing our own introductions.
In our maths this week we are having a big focus on our times tables to ensure we are secure on the ones we know on them already. The children will be sent home with their own times table sheet to help them. By the end of year 3, the children should be secure in their 2,3,4,5,8 and 10 times tables.
In our topic work we have been doing work on what a 'force' is and about pushes and pulls. The children really enjoy their topic work and get lots from the different activities we do.
On Thursday, we had a fantastic World Book Day! We joined up with year 4 and studies the book 'The story of the Little Mole who knew it was none of his business' by Werner Holzwarth and Wolf Erlbruch. We then had a few tasks to do .... we went on a poo hunt around school and had to work out which animal had left their business ...! We also had a go at creating our own poo for the other teams to guess which animal's business it was! We had lots of fun!
Have a look at the pictures below!