This week has included some pretty big changes which everyone has adapted to amazingly! This week we have completed our first Mile Run challenge. The children were very sensible and tried super hard. We will be completing the Mile Run each Friday afternoon. We have also introduced, Relax Kids sessions. The aim of Relax Kids is so 'create calm, confident kids during chaotic times' through a number of different exercises. We will be taking part in Relax Kids twice a week. We are so excited to have been introduced to a new member of Early Years that we haven't met before... A dinosaur called Dina. Dina will be visiting Nursery and Reception weekly to discuss personal, social and emotional topics. We are super proud of how beautifully the children introduced themselves. All of the children were very gentle and kind to Dina. Finally, we have started lending out our Activity Sacks which have been very successful! Please continue to ask staff about which sacks are available for your child to take home. wonder what next week will bring...