What a first week back!
We kicked off the topic with our WOW starter and we created our own fossils. We spoke about what we can learn from fossils and was introduced to a lady called Mary Anning, who we will come back to later in the half term. This was super messy ... But the children loved it!
In our writing, we have recapped our learning from year two for sentence structure. We are recapping on full stops, question marks and exclamation marks and where and when they are used at the end of the sentences.
In our maths, Miss Hunt and I were super impressed on Thursday. We had our pre learner in number and place value and then looked at partitioning two and three digit numbers. We used our whiteboard pens and worked on the tables!
All reading books have now been issued and will be changed as and when necessary.
Homework will be uploaded on Monday onto seesaw.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Harris