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The safety, care and well-being of all pupils is our highest priority. We take great pride in the time we spend ensuring all pupils needs are identified and supported. We take our responsibilities for child protection very seriously. Governors and staff have reviewed the school’s policy and procedures and these are available to parents through the school office or on our website.


Everyone in our school is fully committed to help keep children safe by:

  • Providing a safe environment for children and young people to learn in school
  • Teaching children how to keep safe


Achieving these aims requires systems designed to:

  • Prevent unsuitable people working with children and young people;
  • Promote safe practice and challenge poor and unsafe practice;
  • Identify instances in which there are grounds for concern about a child’s welfare, and initiate/take appropriate action to keep them safe;
  • Contribute to effective partnership working between all those involved with providing services for children.
  • Teaching children to be safe and stay safe – as part of the curriculum.
  • Provide regular training for all staff including DSL's
  • Update all staff, Governors and volunteers of any updates to Keeping Children Safe in Education-KCSIE


All staff and Governors are required by law to follow the requirements and advice as set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education.


The link to the latest KCSIE (2024) is available to view below.


Our Prevent Lead is Mr R Hollingsworth and our Nominated Governor for Safeguarding and Child Protection is K Painter.


Please read our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy for further information.

Operation Encompass Notice for Parents
