Wow, what another brilliant week in year 3!
The children have done some great learning this week, practising hard on their spellings with our new format.
The children are also preparing to write their own newspaper article on the recent eruption of the La Palma volcano. On Friday, we had a look at piecing together our own newspaper article. We created our own headline, orientation paragraph, facts and used our previous learning on expanded noun phrases. Next week, we will begin our drafts.
In maths, we have been working hard on mentally adding and subtracting 10. We use a new method, rather than counting forwards or back 10, we are encouraging the children to look at the tens column and move it up or down according to the calculation. We are going to continue this next week too.
In our topic, we have been enjoying learning about volcanoes and how they erupt, we are also taking our learning into our computing sessions with Mr Faulkner and he has been really impressed with our knowledge so far!
Have a great week,
Mrs Harris