Monday 24th September saw Year 3 exploring the Pharoahs and Gods of Ancient Egypt with Tony North from
Time Trips The children spent the entire day investigating more about their life and and death.
The children saw lots of photographs of places, statues, pyrimids and temples in Egypt and Alex won a piece of genuine ancient Egyptian pottery by recalling lots of facts about the Gods of the time.
Mason and Katie tried on Egyptian clothing and make up (Ben tried the make up too). Lots of children had the opportunity to try perfume made up to a genuine Ancient Egyptian recipe.
The children wrote their names in heiroglyphics on papyrus (the paper of the day)
In the afternoon the classroom was a hive of activity as each child made a replica of an item found in the famous Pharoah, Tutankamun's tomb.
The children had a fantastic day, the items are now on display in our class museum, but take a look a tthe photographs below to gain a snippet of the day.