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Rocking into week 3

Wow, what a week! 

Not sure about the children, but we have had a brilliant week. Rock Kidz have been in and around school and we have had the chance to learn some fantastic songs. 

I went to the show on Thursday night and it was absolutely fantastic! I'm sure all parents and carers know the songs by now too :) 


In our writing this week we have been extending our knowledge on 'Home Sweet Home' looking at the characters and describing them using lots of amazing expanded noun phrases and pronouns.

We have been practising our handwriting in the mornings too and this will be ongoing throughout the year - lets hope we can get more children on handwriting pens! 


We have settled into our guided reading routines and have had some fantastic ideas - we have been amazed by their attitudes to their learning. They have had some fantastic ideas. 


In our maths we have been securing our knowledge of place value and problem solving skills. We started looking at number lines this week, and took our learning outside to the playground. The children were really good and had some great ideas. 


We are super excited to see what week 4 brings for the children. 


Have a lovely weekend. 


