It was lovely to see everyone back at school on Tuesday. The children were full of stories about their Christmas break and it was great catching up with them. They were very excited to be catching up with each other too!!
This week the children have been exploring the new toys and resources we have out for the second term of the school year. They have particularly enjoyed our new role play area – the Arctic Campsite which is linked to our topic for this half term ‘Brrrr! It’s Cold’ and the weather was certainly in our favour for the beginning of this topic.
Our assembly winners this week are:
Star of the week – CHARLIE.B and AMBER. The star of the week is award to children who have really shone this week in their work, progress or behaviour.
Taking Tatty Teddy Bear home are HAADIYA and KEANE. Tatty Teddy watches the children whilst they are sitting on the carpet during adult focused sessions. He chooses to go home with children who have shown super sitting and good listening.
My Happy Mind winners - KEIRA and ELLIOTT.W. The happy mind award goes to children who have shown character strengths during the week such as bravery or resilience.
The children who received their Always badges this week were DAWUD and OLIVE - Always badges are awarded throughout the school to children who consistently (always!) follow the school rules and adult instructions. It is a very special award and children must wear their Always badge to school each day as part of their uniform. Well done!