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Week 3

We have had such a brilliant week in year 3, this week. The children have been absolutely AMAZING! 


We were firstly introduced to our focus text for our writing, 'Dear Teacher' - which is one of my favourite books! The children loved this book, just as I hoped and we then looked at sketching our own ideas for letters. On Friday, we created our own shared/modelled writes and the ideas from the children were brilliant! 


In our maths, we have been looking at multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 as a recap. This then led us on to multiplying by 3. We have been making notes of key vocabulary to help us on the whiteboard so we know what a question is asking. 


Next week, we are going to be writing our own letters based on our book and going to be looking at the countries of Europe. 


Have a lovely weekend, 

Mrs Harris 
