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What we have been achieving in week 2!

We have been straight on with our learning and routines this week! 

In our Writing we have been looking at 'Home Sweet Home'. We had a think about what these words mean and where we have heard them before. 

We then went on to watch a video about a house. We used our adjectives to create some fantastic expanded noun phrases about the house. We decided that it didn't look like a house we would want to live in! We then extended our knowledge and thought about the settings. We used our 5 senses to describe what we thought the setting was like on the street. The children came up with some fantastic ideas! 

We then recapped what we already knew about pronouns, and how these could be used in our pieces of writing. 



In our maths we have been continuing with our knowledge of place value. We have been securing our knowledge with some problem solving questions too. We have been looking at 3 digit numbers and looking at the different ways we can make these numbers up. 

To increase our fluency in number we have been playing a game with the children which they absolutely love! They are given a number and they have to count forwards or backwards in 2s, 3s, 5s, or 10s. (eg. your number is 72, count backwards in 5s). This will help the children with their fluency and their mental maths. 




We have been continuing with our topic of Ancient Egypt this week, we have created our timelines of them and was amazed that mummies have been recently discovered in Luxor, Egypt! We had a discussion on how old we think they are and what materials must have been used! We were all amazed! 


The children have produced some fantastic pieces of homework already and it's only the first week of doing it so thank you to you too, at home, I'm sure you have helped with all the resources! We are so excited for our in class museum at the end of the half term! 


Congratulations to Lilly who is this weeks Star of the Week. Lilly has shown great enthusiasm already in Year 3. Fantastic start, Lilly, well done. 