This week has been another busy week in Year 6 so lets find out what we have been doing...
We have been continuing our work on fractions and have been showing great resilience when finding things a bit tricky. We have been beating the chilli challenges to really push ourselves on in our learning. We realise that if we know our times tables facts inside out it will help with our fractions. Please can we ask that parents to continue to help the children remember these and focus on the times table that may be proving to be a bit tricky. Why not get us to sing them in the shower?
Sentences have been our focus this week and we revised the different types of sentences. We used our meta cognitive skills to devise a mind map to present our learning in a different way. Ellie even got hers up on the masterpieces board AND won the certificate this week!!!
In our Geography work, we recapped our knowledge on longitude and latitude and beat the time zone challenge. We now know as trainee spies we could be dropped anywhere in the world and know what time it is at Spy HQ.
We had a discussion this week about favourite authors so please could parents discuss this further with the children. Ask them about their favourite books. Who is their favourite author? Why? What do they particularly like about this style of writing? This will help when we continue this discussion next week.
Well done for a great week Year 6