How is it the summer term already?
This half term we are embarking upon a science based adventure called ‘Staying Alive’. Throughout this topic we will be exploring how animals and humans stay healthy both through diet and exercise. How our muscles and skeletal systems function and how we can classify a variety of living creatures.
We will also be exploring how plants survive and their contribution to our eco system.
In writing we will be writing an information text on the human body and also using our creative writing skills to create a mystical narrative.
In our maths lessons we be continuing our learning from the last half term on fractions.
If of course you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask one of the year 3 team either briefly on the door in the mornings or make an appointment through the school office.
Mr Scott
Key dates
17th April - Back to school
1st May - Bank Holiday
4th May - Inset day
5th May - Celebration for the King's Coronation
26th May - School closes for half term
Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday