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Have a look what we have been doing the first week!

Wow! What a great first week the children have had in year 3! They have been settling in brilliantly into the routine and expectations of the juniors. I hope they have enjoyed it as much as we have. 


We started off the week with our WOW starter which saw us introduce our new topic and work in teams to create the best mummy! 

Have a look! 


We then began taking our learning and looking at making our own scarab beetles following instructions. We found that Ancient Egyptians thought the scarab beetles brought them good luck. Not sure if we would like them though ...

In our writing the children have been looking at writing letters. They have each written me a letter to tell me how they are feeling now they are in year 3 and what their favourite part of their week has been. 


On Friday we had a triple celebration! Tom got star of the week, Cassandra got her pen license and the whole of year 3 got the tidiest classroom award! Great first week guys, can't wait for the weeks to come :) 
