Welcome to our class page!
Here you will find out all of the information you need to know about our half termly learning, updates and important documents.
Working with your child this year in year 3 will be: Mr Scott and Mrs Williams. We will also be having support throughout the week from Mr Faulkner and Mrs Tierney.
In addition to this adults from around school will be coming into class to teach us music and PE.
In year 3 children are expected to read their school book or another book every single day at home for around ten to twenty minutes. Discuss the way we read punctuation as well as words, how bold or italic words are read differently. Look for how advanced punctuation is used. For example, speech marks, brackets, commas, apostrophes etc. It is very important that adults discuss these things with their child as they are not likely to notice them on their own.
Reading a book repeatedly may seem like the children aren’t making progress but that repetition will support the children to ‘master’ reading, whilst increasing their fluency.
Practice and learn all Spellings and Common Exception words appropriate for their age group. These have been sent home at the beginning of the year and are available below should you need another copy.
By year 3, all children need to continue to practise their 2x, 5x and 10x tables but to also learn their 3x, 4x, 6x, 7x, 8x and 9x tables. A link to Timestable Rockstars is below.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask us either in the morning as you drop the children off or make an appointment to see us via the school office.
Our PE days this year will be Tuesday and Thursday. Children need to come into school in their PE kits on both those days.
We can't wait to start making amazing memories and sharing some fantastic learning as the year progresses.
Mr Scott