We can hardly believe we are nearly at the end of our first full week in year 6!
The amazing attitudes to learning have continued and we even described the children as warriors during a recent maths lesson. In maths we have been looking at place value giving us the ability to order numbers and decimals. We have also been working on our ability to explain how we have arrived at an answer to develop our reasoning skills.
Year 6 are continuing to show an amazing attitude to writing and the full mornings of writing are flying by. We are well on our way to finishing planning our writing based on 'Beyond the Lines' and have been learning some complex grammar terminology as well. Spellings were given out on Wednesday so please practise at home learning the key spelling rules and patterns.
In topic we have constructed a timeline showing the key events that took place during world war 2. In Science the thanks for sending in your family selfies they were excellent and really supported our learning about evolution.
Mr Scott & Mrs Bingham