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Week 1

Well we cannot believe how fast this week went!



On Monday we had our WOW starter, which started with a witch hunt. The children were all given a character and had to go and meet other villagers, finding their family and friends. They were given a couple of suspicious events that had happened and naturally started to become dubious over villagers they were meeting. In the end they realised that there was no witch and they had accused innocent people. We then discussed that many years ago this would have had horrendous consequences.

We moved on to explore some magical vocabulary that we can use in our writing, the children loved the words perplexed and astonished (ask them what their facial expressions would be with both of these words).

In the afternoon, the children had an hour of 'MAD MAGIC' they were able to have a look at different tricks and attempt to fool each other. Some children were really brave and showed their tricks to the rest of the class.

To end the day we looked at different interpretations of witches, watching clips from a range of TV and film, showing witches in different lights both with good and evil qualities.

It was a very busy day!


In our reading into writing, we have started to look at the book 'The nowhere emporium'. We have managed to draw lots of predictions and questions we hope to find from the book and have been introduced to a couple of characters. The children worked in groups to understand each character. Using the information, we created a picture of each characters feelings and started to understand why they felt like that. 


In our maths, we have been consolidating our learning on subtraction. We have been really proud with how independent the children have been this week, showing a fantastic growth mindset when working with difficult challenges. 


Homework and spellings have gone home this weekend. We have used pupil voice and feedback from parents evening to create the Nandos homework for this half term. 


A letter has gone home about swimming next week. All children will need shorts and t-shirt to go over their normal swimming kit. They will be taking part in the government initiative 'The Big School Swim'. They will be doing this as part of their usual swimming lesson but it will be focused on reach and rescue.


Have a lovely week!


Mrs Walker and Mr Webster
