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Week 2

Another busy week this week!


This week we started our new narratives in writing on the story of the Roman 'Dum Spiro' and his adventures delivering messages. 

In Maths we used our multiplication knowledge to take part in a times tables morning, full of code breaking and problem solving, we all really enjoyed ourselves!

On Thursday this week we had our annual World Book Day. A huge thank you to all of the parents and children for their fantastic efforts and outfit creating. In year 4 we had a Tom Gates themed day, including lots of reading and doodling. We also chose our own books that we thought would be suitable for a year one child, we then took the books down to year one and read to them. We were so proud of all of year 4 and their confidence and patience with year one. 


Please remember that next week we are going to:


Monday 9.3.20- Oldham Gallery 


Wednesday 11.3.20 - Chester Roman trip 


Have a lovely weekend!


Miss Benbow smiley
