Well done year 2 on a fabulous first week back in school as a whole class! 100% attendance everyone, well done!
In our learning this week we have really enjoyed...
Solving our chilli challenges in maths - Jesse
Maths and phonics carousel - Bonnie
Making Mother's Day cards - Kyle
Completing our rainbow challenges - Stevie
Playing Obb and Bob - Kayah
Jenga maths - James
Listening to the Tear Thief story in our guided reading - Poppy
Our whole school Zoom Assembly - Annie
Solving our morning challenges - Seren
Writing - Florence
Capital letters and full stops song - Aimee
Our new PSHE book, the Boy the Mole the Fox and the Horse - Jamie
Our work on fairytales and plants - Naomi
Planting sunflower seeds - Emily W