Reading is such an important part of learning. The more you and your child read together, the more their confidence in English and speech and language will grow.
Sharing a book with a child is fun - it's a time for closeness, laughing and talking together. It can also give children a flying start in life and help them become lifelong readers. Reading with your child is such a lovely experience and allowing yourselves quiet, relaxing times to enjoy stories as a family can open up conversations about the book itself... the characters, the events, what might happen next and an excitement in finding out what WILL happen.
Our current book is....
This book was voted on by the pupils in Year 3.
This term Mrs Travis recommends:
This book plus others, have recently been added to our book corner...
In class we have read these books...
The first recommended book I think your child may enjoy is....
The Train to Impossible Places by P.G. Bell