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Spring 2

Welcome back everyone, I hope you all have had a lovely half term. 


This half term is going to be a busy one! 


Our topic this half term is going to be all about  PLANTS! 


We are going to be looking at all things plant related, including having a go at dissecting plants too! 


In our writing this half term, we will be writing a recount from our trip to Dovestones on the first day back. We will also be using a fantastic video from The Literacy Shed called The Windmill Farmer. This is a fantastic video and I can't wait to see what the children produce from this. 


This half term, we will be extending our times tables too. We will now concentrate on our 8 times tables and these will be included in Times Table Rock Stars as well as our weekly times table test on a Thursday. In our maths learning, we will be learning about money and moving onto statistics. 


Homework will continue to be uploaded onto seesaw on a Monday. 


Any problems or concerns, please don't hesitate to let me know. 


Mrs Harris 
