Home Page

Year 1


Hello and a warm welcome to our Year 1 class page laugh


As our school is paperless, our class page is where you will find all of the important information you need. We will be adding to our blog on a weekly basis to share all of the exciting things we have been up to. 


If you have any questions or concerns please contact us via telephone at the school office or e-mail


I am looking forward to working with you all this year. We are going to have lots of fun! 


Miss Smith

Labelled uniform

Please ensure your child's uniform is labelled with their name - particularly their jumpers, cardigans and shoes as they are removed often and are difficult to keep track of if not labelled.



We have PE every Tuesday so please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their kit instead of their uniform. Please check our PE kit requirements on our website.

As they will wear their P.E kit all day and go outside please ensure they have their kit suitable for outdoor PE along with their plain White round neck T-shirt and black shorts underneath their outdoor kit.



Your child will be issued with a new reading record and reading book and they will read with an adult three times a week. This will include reading their reading book once a week and two sessions of guided reading with an adult. 



Spellings will be handed out every Friday and the spelling test will be the following Thursday. Please check your child's book bag for spellings.



