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All about week 4's learning

What a fantastic week we have had for our learning this week. 


The children have really got into the routines we have for year 3 and we have been so proud of them. They have been entering the classroom ready for learning and ready for setting themselves with some fantastic challenges. 


As a school, we have introduced our characteristics of learning. We are always on the look out for; our active listeners and effective communicators; children taking an active role in their own learning; children being an independent learner taking risks within a safe environment; and working effectively in a team. 

This week has been all about taking risks within our own learning and we have been encouraging the children to be taking their own risks and challenging their knowledge and have they! We have been so impressed with their progress they have been making in their learning already and we aren't even at the end of September!


We have been back on our topic this week and have been learning about what life was like in Ancient Egyptian times. We have been exploring photos within our groups and have been sharing what the photos have been about to the rest of the class.

The children are producing some fantastic pieces of homework it's been brilliant, so thank you to you all at home for supporting the children in their homework!  


Spellings will be being sent home for the children from Monday for their spelling test on Friday, if you could please encourage the children to practise those at home. 


In our writing we have been drafting out own stories called 'The Journey' based on the work that we have been doing on our topic of Home Sweet Home. We have planned it out and next week we will be completing our first draft. We are very excited for the children to write these - they have had some really exciting ideas! 


In our maths we have been furthering our knowledge of place value and looking at comparing our numbers and extending our knowledge to problem solving. 


We have been doing lots of practise this week on our handwriting. The children have some beautiful handwriting so we are working hard to use our beautiful handwriting in all of our work. We are excited to find out who will have the next pen license! 


Thank you for your continued support throughout the first half of the half term, 

Miss Leaver, Mrs McDonald and Miss Hunt 



Jessie has had a fantastic start to year 3. She is a great role model to the rest of the children and always has a fantastic attitude to her learning! Well done Jessie! 


Also congratulations so Oliver and Isabel our class school councillors! Very well done! 
