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Week 5

This week we have had visitors in our classroom! On Tuesday morning when we arrived in the classroom, we couldn't believe our eyes! There was bricks, sticks and straw on the floor. Who could this be?? We had a think about it and decided since our topic is linked to Traditional Tales it could have been the one and only Big Bad Wolf or the Three Little Pigs. We started writing our recounts independently so the teachers could see our fantastic ideas. 


Later on in the week when we entered the classroom, we could see a note. It was from the Big Bad Wolf, he wanted us to hear his side of the story! We watched a video, which showed us that the Big Bad Wolf wasn't so bad after all. He had been making a cake for his Granny when he caught a terrible cold- which caused him to sneeze and in turn he ended up blowing down the poor Pigs houses! 
