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Week 3

What an extremely busy week we have had in Year 5!


In our reading into writing, we have continued to read this amazing story and we are soon going to be introduced to the room of wonders! With our learning, we have been looking at improving our writing, by introducing speech and paragraphs making sure we punctuate them correctly.


With our topic, the children have been investigating the effects of air resistance on a falling object and how it works in action. They enjoyed making paper helicopters, which they tested, changing just one variable. They were fantastic at explaining the impact of gravity, air resistance and objects being streamline.


Our math magicians this week have been exploring multiples, factors, prime numbers, helping them become confident in applying their multiplication and division learning. We have been handing out the ask me stickers, which you might see when they come home. Please question them aswel  as they are brilliant and have taken pride in their learning. Maybe when walking to school or sat in the car you can quiz them or ask them to recall their times tables. 


Along with all our usual learning the children have spent the week planning and preparing themselves for Take Over Day - WHAT A SUCCESS IT WAS! They have been brilliant and all the staff are so proud of how they have behaved and conducted themselves. 

I have created a separate link (star) so you can see all the pictures from the day. 


As the children were busy on Friday teaching their own classes, our weekly spelling challenge will be on Monday and new spellings will be handed out.


Thank you for all your support - have a wonderful week.


Mrs Walker and Mr Webster
