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Week 5 updates

This week has been another fantastic week in year 3! Our peas and cucumbers have started to grow in the polytunnels! Fingers crossed they will continue to grow!! 


In our maths this week we have continued on our 6 times tables and introduced the 9 times tables. I'm sure you have all heard the 6 times table song by now …! Mrs McDonald has been singing it walking her dog! We had out times table test on Friday and the children scores were absolutely brilliant. They have made so much progress on these and can really tell they are practising these at home! We have been looking at angles - acute, right and obtuse and looking out for these on the playground. On Friday, we looked out for perpendicular, parallel and intersecting lines. 


We have begun carrying out our own research on our World Cup countries in readiness to make a PowerPoint presentation with our partners. The children have been finding out some interesting facts about our countries such as; the tectonic plate the country is on; weather conditions; religious faiths in the country. 


Next week is going to be a really busy week - We have transition day on Monday and Enterprise Week Tuesday- Friday. Parents are invited to come in on Friday from 2pm to purchase items that we have made. 


Have a lovely weekend. 




