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Week 4 was a busy one!

We can't believe how quickly this half term is racing by as week four came to an end...


All the children have been coming up with amazing ideas to write a non-chronological report about their own civilisations. From flying pigs with wings to unicorns there are a whole host of amazing ideas coming from the children. We cannot wait to see the final pieces of writing next week. A huge well done to the children who got their handwriting pens this week after publishing their Weslandia stories.


Division was the name of the game in maths this week and the children all showed a great determination to move through the Chilli Challenges. Mr Webster and I were here and there around the room moving children on...Mrs Conway helped us too!! This wasn't an easy topic for our maths work but everyone showed great resilience  and we are very proud of the children for all their maths work this week!!


'We built this city' continued in the afternoons as the children had to finish their own science investigation. They had to look at their results and complete a write up of the investigation based on circuits. Watch out for the final few activities next week before we end our topic at the Gallery Oldham on Friday afternoon. Please remember to send in the consent forms as soon as possible. There is a copy of the letter on the main class page and please note we might not be back to school until 3.30pm.


Things to remember for next week - 


Please return any Bikeability letters as soon as possible so numbers can be confirmed.

Who will be leading the celebration assembly next week?

Who will be star of the week in Week 5?

Remember to get your final pieces of Nando's homework in on Wednesday!!


Thank you to everyone for another fab week in Year 4 nonono
