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Summer 2

BRIDGEWATER HALL - final letter

Welcome back for the final half term of the year. I was looking at some photographs of the children from the beginning of the year and they have grown up so much. Although quite a long half term, there is plenty to fit in starting with our trips to Castleshaw and the Bridgewater Hall.

As it is the summer term, there will be sport's days and summer fairs to fit in etc.

Learning wise, our new topic will be Dare you enter the Dragon’s Den? We will consider inventions past and present and produce our own designs for an idea or product and present some of these to a panel within the Dragon's Den! This fits in well with the science topic of electricity and sound.

We also have a science week this term when the whole school will study Space.

Our English will be linked to the topic, looking at writing explanations and instructions. In Maths, we have yet to cover shape and angles and will be revising all the different operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, all linked to problem solving.

Don't forget the times table assessment which we undertake in June. Please keep practising.

Mr Webster has been teaching the children how to use some interesting apps on the i-pads and they are putting together a summary of what they have learned throughout the year. 
