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Week 1

Well it did feel like Spring had come early this week but unfortunately seems to have disappeared again!

Learning is well under way. We have begun learning to write diaries and had a glimpse of my diary written over the holidays and it has been lovely how several of the children have brought in their own diaries to share. One of the children even said that he was going to buy a diary with his birthday money.

Mrs Moon has been teaching maths this week and I have enjoyed having more time to sit with and work with individual children. They have been making good progress with their fractions.

Our Roman topic has created a lot of interest, especially the trip to Chester. Please return your slips as soon as possible so that I can confirm the booking.

We have begun to practise Albert and the Lion and many of the children are doing a great job of learning the words. We have learned quite a bit about Lancashire dialect as well!

We are performing at Oldham Colliseum on March 21st at 11.15am and I believe parents are welcome to come and watch, so please put the date in your diaries.
