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Autumn 1

A European Adventure

By the end of this topic you should be able:

  • To name and locate at least eight of the counties of the UK and at least six cities in England on a map or an aerial photograph.
  • Use the 8 points of the compass (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW) to describe the location of counties and cities in the UK.
  • To name and locate some of the most populous cities in the UK on a map: Belfast, Cardiff, Edinburgh, London, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Glasgow, Southampton, Liverpool, Newcastle and Bristol.
  • To know the names of and locate at least 8 European countries.
  • To use maps to locate European countries and capitals.
  • Use maps and aerial photographs to compare Oldham with a contrasting area of the UK, identifying similarities and differences between their physical and human features.
  • Interpret four figure grid references to locate cities and topographical features on maps.
  • To describe counties using their key topographical features e.g. Greater Manchester is a highly populated county with lots of large towns and cities; Cumbria contains lots of lakes and mountains; Yorkshire and Northumberland have large stretches of farm land.

Identify main transport links between cities in the UK and explain why some are suited to their specific areas e.g. ferry links across the lakes because it is a more direct route than travelling around.
