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Week 5


A massive thank you to those that attended the Maths workshop, we hope you found it useful. The Powerpoint slides will be available on the letters and information EYFS page. This week the children have been working on their technology skills and operating simple age appropriate programs. We have also been comparing the weight of animals, measuring the size of ourselves, estimating amounts and we have looked closely at the similarities and differences between humans and animals. We have been encouraging the children to really push themselves to complete their Rainbow Challenges and next week the class with the most challenges completed will win a special prize. This week we have also been super busy making special cards. We hope you like them and have a lovely weekend celebrating with your loved ones. 


This weeks dinosaur winners are...



James (Tryceratops)                     Florence (Explorasaurus)                     Eva (Solvosaurus)    


Lucas (Pridosaur)                          Kayah (Pretendactyl)                          Scarlett (Predictor)


This weeks Always child is...

