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French Day - May 2013

A busy busy day......  starting with a French quiz, moving to mapping out Paris, then on to making Eiffel Towers!

We spent the first part of the day discussing landmarks in Paris and finding out why tourists may visit each attraction.  Taking the maps into the hall, each group had an area within which to recreate the map of Paris 'largescale', placing on the landmarks in the correct position, mapping out the River Seine and adding any additional features.  Some groups managed to produce some amazing, scenary, added trains and train stations to their maps and even a model of an aeroplane.

Following this, we decided to make models of one of the landmarks - the Eiffel Tower!  Creativity was the key, having been only given the structural development of the Eiffel Tower, a final image of the tower and a cross section.  Have a look below - so many different ways of completing the task yet soooo many brilliant Eiffel Towers. 
