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Get your week 7 update here...

We had a another great week in Year 4 so have a look at what we have been up to...


We have been publishing our fantastic journey through the body stories and they are brilliant. We have started our next piece of work but it is TOP SECRET so you will have to ask the children to explain what we are doing....


In maths we are becoming addition superstars. Both Mr Webster and I have seen a real shift in our lessons and the children are becoming much more confident to try the different chilli challenges.


The children have also been working so hard with their guided reading, spelling and topic work. We are very proud of all of their efforts. 


This week our star of the week was Amy Mealey who is growing in confidence and its an absolute pleasure to see. 


The hi-light of the week has to be our 999 Emergency Services day. We would like to thank you all for your kindness and generosity. The children looked absolutely brilliant!!! Our visit from the Fire Service helped the children to take on board some very important messages linked to first aid and staying safe. I think the Fire Engine with music and bubbles went down a storm. We need to say a huge thank you to Mrs Draper for helping to organise this all for us. Have a look at the photos below...


